Parroquia San Lázaro 1860. Fotografía de Odber Heffer. In

The history of the Church of Saint Lazarus goes back to 1775, when it is built by Bishop Manuel Alday, however in those years it was named as the Church of San Francisco de Borja.

In 1781, by decree dated October 22, Bishop Alday himself re-located the parish in an old chapel that was located in la Cañada (Alameda), between the current San Martín and Manuel Rodríguez Streets, which was named Saint Lazarus, and where it existed for more than a century.

In 1875, on facing the need of having a larger church, Monsignor Valdivieso appoints a commission in charge of preparing the building of a new temple, for which land is acquired on Ejército Libertador Street and whose construction concludes in 1877.

In January 1928, this building was completely destroyed by a fierce fire. Its reconstruction was in charge of the architects Gustavo Mönckeberg and José Aracena, concluding the works in 1930.

The construction shows a combination of several styles, the neo-Gothic style pre-dominating and for half a century it welcomed the parishioners of what was one day an important residential district of Santiago.