One of the most important characteristics of the Recoleta Domínica is the decoration that can be appreciated in its interior. Most of the ornamentation is done in marble. The fifty-two columns that are in the interior of the Church are done in marble brought from Carrara, both in the brick foundations as well as the shafts.
The lintel ceiling of the naves is completely decorated with molding panels, which have a geometric and vegetation decoration: discs, squares, rectangles and octagons inscribed on the panels that contain the decorative elements.
The capitals of the columns are in a Corinthian style, and are decorated with acanthus leaves and hold semicircular arches decorated both in their intrados and extrados through panels. Some of them are covered with marble and others with golden medallions and hanging figures. These semicircular arches hold in their key voussoir the hanging chandeliers brought from France to light the interior. Among the arches there are discs decorated with pictorial works relating to characters of the religious order. There are molding panels in the culmination of the arches and holding the windows that are decorated with scallop trims and gilded hanging figures.
The lateral naves do not have altars in their layout, with the exception of the ones located on both ends of the main entrance, one dedicated to the Crucifixion and the other to the Virgin Mary holding Baby Jesus in her arms, and they are ones located in an adjacent manner to the central altar. On the walls there are large format fabrics that decorate the naves, representing the mysteries of the Rosary, painted by Italian artists. The windows are crowned in a semicircular arch.
The main altars are made of marble. The high altar looks like a Grecian-Latin façade and is held by four fluted columns with Corinthian-style capitals that hold a triangular pediment that has a dove in its center. The frieze is completely ornamented with vegetation-type elements. In the central part there is a shrine, and over the niche there is a sculptural type figure of Mary with Baby Jesus in her arms. She is accompanied on both sides with the figures of a Dominican and a Franciscan monk. The altar is decorated by large semicircular arches ornamented with golden and marble elements with different colors. A series of decorative elements accompany the upper part above the presbytery, such as marble pedestals that hold marble vases, pedestals that have beautiful amphorae completely made of alabaster and gilded angels that support the chandeliers.
The lateral left altar is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is made in an architectonic manner with four columns that hold a cut entablature finished off with a semicircular arch decorated in its interior with coffers and decorative panels as voussoirs. In the center there is a sculptural ensemble. Most of this altar is made in marble. The decoration of the altar includes pedestals that support marble Adam style vases and images of the Sacred Heart in the adjacent panels.
The lateral right altar also has an architectonic construction. Two columns hold an entablature decorated with scallop trims that support a triangular pediment. In the interior there is a fabric that shows a scene from the Calvary of Jesus. The whole ensemble is crowned with a molding semicircular arch, decorated with garlands, supported by two pilasters. The whole altar is made of marble.
The Dome is decorated with molding coffers that start decreasing in the measure that they get to the center and in their interior they are decorated with vegetation-type elements. The center is decorated with a floral element from which hangs the main chandelier. This dome is sustained by an octagonal drum with large windows, decorated with pilasters with a molding cornice. In the central nave there is also a large incomplete octagonal pulpit that shows six faces completely carved with biblical characters, sustained by a pedestal decorated with eight smooth columns with Corinthian capitals over a foundation and finished off with angelical figures; and a holy water marble fountain, represented by an angel located at the entrance of the temple.