Ornamentation is pretty simple. The outside stands out due to the Colonial red of its walls. Inside, white walls contrast with natural pine roof-toppings and the wooden floor.
Nave is rather small, and there is not room for devotional altars; nevertheless, there is an altar near the entrance with images of Christ on the Cross, Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary towards the sides. Close to Saint Joseph’s image, there is a figure of the Immaculate Conception and a small image of Saint Expeditus located at Jesus’ feet.
Window openings are also used as altars, with various small-sized figures dedicated to different saints. Besides, along the walls, there are small-sized pictures carved in wood with imagery related to the Stations of the Cross.
The Main Altar reredos is formed by two big columns and it is presided over by an image of the Virgin of Mercy; on both sides there are two windows whose openings are used as a part of the reredos. They include figures of Saint Raymond Nonnatus and Saint Peter Nolasco. Reredos is white with some details in golden paint. It does not have a pediment.